Author Jonathan Segal joins BookGoodies podcast host Deborah Carney to talk about books, writing and current projects.
Like the protagonist in “The Disharmonic Misadventures Of David Stein”, Jonathan Segal is a pianist and singer. He has performed at over a thousand parties and events for the rich, famous, and not so rich and famous.
Some of the other things that Jonathan has done in a diverse music career:
Composed themes for network television, including “Monday Night Football” and “Another World”, received an Emmy-nomination for “Outstanding Original Song”, was the on-camera pianist and music director for “Afterdrive” hosted by Denis Leary, starred in the tour of Broadway’s “Pump Boys And Dinettes” appeared in the on-screen band in the feature film “Baby It’s You”, played in Radio City Music Hall’s pit orchestra, served as musical director for Off-Broadway’s “Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah”, put out albums of his songs, written musicals, and performed at the piano with a wide range of artists ranging from Dizzy Gillespie to Chuck Berry. This is his first novel.
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